Poplabs Showcase 2020

Streamed virtually, our inaugural Poplabs Showcase 2020 celebrated the journey of our first cohort of creative entrepreneurs. Watch to learn more about the founders, their creative businesses and the impact they seek to achieve.


Get to know each of our founders and their creative businesses


Wayflair is a next gen entertainment company telling modern, relatable tales which include LGTBQIA+ artists, protagonists and crew. Come and unmake prejudice at wayflair.com.au/

Mood Food uses the power of factual entertainment and storytelling to educate people around the world on the effect food has on mood. Sign up at moodfoodnutrition.com.au/


South Asian Today is Australia's first media organisation for South Asian women and non-binary peoples. Sign up at southasiantoday.com.au or help support their mission to open an online store that is a space for South Asian artists.

Heckin' Concerned Media is a podcast production company by storytellers from CALD and marginalised communities. Support at heckinconcerned.com/

Kollider is an online platform that connects and promotes diverse female and non-binary creatives to the screen industry. The platform is currently open for Expressions of Interest at kollider.io/

Activator Films is a feature film distribution and impact-driven storytelling company that incentivises audiences to take action towards the climate crisis. Sign up at activatorfilms.com/ for announcements.



Poplabs In Conversation Sessions


Resilience & The Power of our Story


  • Behrouz Boochani: Award-winning author and journalist, known for ‘No Friend but the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison’

  • Dr Omid Tofighian: Award-winning lecturer, researcher and community advocate, he works with Behrouz Boochani and others as translator and collaborator

  • Brough Johnson: Co-Founder and CEO, Narrative Muse

  • Vicky Lay: Managing Director, Head of Impact Investing, Artesian Investments 


Unlikely Alliances: Brands & Social Impact


  • Sarah Mak (facilitator), Co-Founder of Poplabs

  • Shelley Ong Teshima, Director, Marketing Program Management at Lyft 



Information Sessions

Watch Session #1 Social Impact

This is the first of three information sessions focusing on Social Impact. Poplabs Co-Founder Sarah Mak was joined by Manita Ray, the founder of Capital Human (cH), a venture that believes in the power of people and capital in designing the world of tomorrow.  They broke down what social impact is, why it’s important in the creative space and how Poplabs will give you the tools and skills you need to harness the power of social impact in your own business and the work that you do.

Watch Session #2 Business

This is the second of our three information sessions focusing on Business. Poplabs Co-Founder Sarah Mak was joined by Keryn Nossal, the Creative Director of Fancy Films who is renowned for her creative and collaborative approach, passion for social justice and commitment to inclusivity. They discussed the nuances of business in the arts, why it’s just as imperative to have business acumen as a creative and how Poplabs will give you the tools and skills you need to develop that business acumen to give you a competitive edge when creating your own creative business.

Watch Session #3 Storytelling

This is the third and final Poplabs information session focusing on Storytelling. Poplabs Co-Founder Sarah Mak was joined by co-Founders of Media Mentors Australia, Esther Coleman-Hawkins and Denise Eriksen. With decades of producing, commissioning and development up their belt, Denise and Esther are passionate about helping people get the very best out of their creative career, thriving in the freelance life and telling the very best stories they can – about themselves and the world around them. Through this information session, you'll have the opportunity to learn more about the world of storytelling, what it means to embed storytelling in your creative practice and business, and how Poplabs will give you the tools and skills to harness its power.