
Cohort 2

Early 2021

We’re looking for


People who have a vision for social impact that can be tracked and measured. We are guided by the sustainable development goals.



Creatives who can take that vision for social impact and deliver compelling and connected stories across factual storytelling mediums.



Collaborators who share our vision for a more inclusive and sustainable storytelling industry and want to grow and scale their own business.



If you don’t come from a traditional storytelling or media background, that's ok. If you are open to trying new ways of working, then we want to hear from you.


The Stages

We are here to support you to build sustainable creative businesses.

Through a mix of workshops and mentor-led sessions you’ll be given the foundations of a business journey deeply anchored in ethics, impact and the practical tools needed to succeed.

To complete the incubator, you will take your first impact storytelling project from ideation through to pitching to international markets.



By applying startup principles to storytelling, you will take lean methodology and rapid iterations to your creative practice. You will learn the critical skill of validating your business to be sustainable, scalable and impactful.


You will be given the knowledge and skills to begin your journey as a creative business founder. You will draw from expertise in film, arts, technology, IP and legal as well as thought-leaders in purpose-led business modelling. We’ll help you apply the theory and shape your first marketable product.


You’ve validated your idea, you’ve incubated your idea, now it’s time to sell. You will learn the art of the pitch and be connected to opportunities through our networks.

Poplabs Timeline.jpg

What’s in it for …



We want to be a part of this positive change. We want to reshape our storytelling industries to become more inclusive, sustainable and create deep, lasting impact.


You will gain access to industry experts in entrepreneurship, storytelling and social impact in order to build your business and develop your first viable project.


All projects and businesses will be impact-driven, the benefits will be felt by many. Together, we are invested in bold creative ideas and measurable impact outcomes.


Laying new foundations for a more inclusive and sustainable storytelling industry with future decision makers operating from a place of impact.

“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with
stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. 
They make one story become the only story.”

— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, TEDGlobal 2009


Can I apply as team?

Yes, we will accept applications of individual founders or small teams, though you will need to select only two members to represent your team in the incubator.

If I am accepted, am I guaranteed to complete the incubator?

No, you are not guaranteed to complete the incubator. Some businesses will not move past the validation stage of the program. You need to be able to validate your business, project and impact goal before you can move to the incubation stage of the program. The validation stage is designed to support you to do this.

How many businesses will be accepted?

There will be up to 12 businesses accepted for the validation stage, with only six selected to continue into incubation and commercialisation.

When is it?

Our second cohort will commence early 2021 with exact timing is to be confirmed.

Is the commitment full time?

We advise that the workload will take at least four days a week, consisting of two days of scheduled commitments and two days of your own self-led time. If this is a barrier for you, please get in touch and we can discuss with you further.

How will this work with COVID-19?

The whole program is run virtually, so you can work from wherever you would like to.

What do we mean by factual storytelling?

Factual storytelling could include, but is not limited to, documentaries, podcasts, content production, virtual reality, augmented reality, and technology platforms.

Do I have to pay for this?

No, you don’t have to pay for this program. In fact, we will provide you with early business investment instalments if you reach the incubation stage of the program. These investments will total $7,000 per business.

Does Poplabs take equity in my company?

Yes, for founders who are selected for the incubation stage of the program, we will take 4% equity in your business.